If you’re on Facebook then you know how much fun
it can be to hang out there. You enjoy playing some of the social
games that they offer. You enjoy writing status updates that you want
to tell your friends about your life. You enjoy watching what other
people post on Facebook as well. And now you enjoy the awesome riddle
opportunities that they have there. When you get to Facebook these
days, you probably see a lot of pictures of giraffes. Why have people
changed their profile pic to be that of a giraffe? The answer is
really easy. There is a riddle going around Facebook now and you can
try to solve it. You email your friend who sent the riddle and you
offer your answer. If your answer if correct then you can relax and
enjoy the avatar that you already have on Facebook. If your answer
isn’t right then it’s time to change your profile pic to that of
a giraffe. You are supposed to change it for three days so that you
show everyone that you participated in the riddle and that you had
fun doing it. And, if you need a great place to get free giraffe
pictures you can get them with THIS link.