Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blackjack R' Us

There is no real secret to winning at iPhone blackjack. The key is to play with common sense. Like with any iPhone casino game, don’t throw good money after bad. In other words, don’t try to make up for losses by betting more. You may be just having a rough streak. Take a break from the game. Remember, this game of mobile blackjack is an html5 casino game. That means that you play right in the browser window and when you need to take a break, just open something else and leave the game on a free tab. That way when you are rested and feel ready to resume playing, opening the game is just a few finger taps away. Hopefully your bad luck streak will have ended and you will start to win real money with your cards. Luck can always change and you must be ready for it.
casino art for online blackjack stuff

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