Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Magnificent Cats for Online Casino Gamblers

cat of the casino jumperCats can do many things. Well, not quite as many as in the famous musical “Cats,” but they can sure come in handy on many occasions. Say you have a problem with mice. What is the best mousetrap? A cat. Or if you need a pet to guard your house. Well, maybe a dog would be better than a cat. But cats do have their uses. Petting a cat’s soft, warm fur can actually lower your heart rate and bring about a sense of calm. This can come in handy. Many people watch television while petting their cats. No matter how upsetting the program gets, they remain calm. Or if the program is exciting, like with a life sporting event, a cat can keep everything in perspective. Another use is to pet a cat while playing online casino games. You can hold your cat right in your lap while playing poker, blackjack, roulette, or any other popular casino games. As the prospect of winning or losing money hits home, you might feel your heart rate rise and worry. That’s where the cat comes in. Slowly stroke the cat’s fur and you will gradually lower that heart rate and balance yourself from all the excitement of online casino gaming. Just remember there is a cat on your lap if you hit the big slots jackpot. You don’t want to scare him off in all the excitement. Just keep petting him or her whether you win or lose at the game.

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